Yes, Prime Minister, bathrooms do matter on planet Earth, despite saying that anyone who thinks so is “on another planet”.
Prime Minister, Christopher Luxon, when on the pre-election campaign trail, scoffed at the idea that bathrooms might be an election issue, and anyone who gave credence to it was on another planet. Ah, the luxury of being in a position where one could say that, and actually believe it. Chris Luxon’s response to the idea that bathrooms do actually matter to some of us, was elicited by a reporter asking him what he thought of NZ First’s promise to protect women’s and girls’ single-sex toilets from men who say they’re women. Mr Luxon thought it was a mighty amusing question, and replied in a derisory manner that was several years out of touch. I’d give a lot to bring back the days when a question like that wouldn’t need to be asked. The days when I went into female spaces, and they felt safe. The days when it never occurred to me to be on the alert for male intruders claiming to be women. It seemed impossible that those days would disappear, because the sheer logic of women and girls...