A story about the ‘rainbowing’ of a smalltown library in New Zealand, and one woman who challenged that.

Recently, upon someone’s recommendation, a woman from a small town here in New Zealand reached out to ask me if I might be able to help her sort a rainbow affliction at her local library. I can’t use her real name here, or the name of the town she lives in, because transactivists, transmaidens, and transbros walk amongst us. I think that’s all that has to be said to understand the need for protection. Therefore, I shall call her Paula, and her town will be referred to as Panga (Māori for riddle/puzzle ). Paula didn’t think that Panga’s library should be blatantly displaying rainbow ribbons and badges in a bowl on the front counter, or have rainbow-painted the outdoor seat, nor the free books box. Her initial concern was for children being exposed to this each time they visited the library, knowing how susceptible they are to suggestion, and what can result from that. Paula felt that rainbowing-up the library with enduring displays and fixtures, was aligning itself with indoctrinat...