Lies are no way to live - except when the Psychotherapists Assn of NZ tell their members to do it, or else.

I was talking to my terf friend, Sarah Henderson, from Mana Wāhine Kōrero (Sovereign Women Speak) the other day about language. Sarah’s deeply interested in linguistics, and we’ve had a long and fascinating chat on YouTube about this before. Amongst other things in that chat, she talked about how language ‘codes’ our brains into thinking in certain ways. So, when I raised the subject of what it might do to women and girls mental and emotional health to have our language erased in favour of being called things like ‘cervix havers’, ‘the birthing parent’, ‘those who menstruate’, or ‘people who go through menopause’, as just a few examples, Sarah knew exactly where I was coming from. It's a question that has been playing around my mind for a wee while now. So, I mentioned to Sarah that it would be good for someone more knowledgeable than me to write something about the impact on women and girls from taking our language away. Or, maybe she herself could consid...