It was a good day in New Zealand yesterday, Friday 24th November.

 The first disruptions in the flow of gender ideology into our schools, public services, and sporting bodies here in New Zealand have begun. Our incoming coalition government, comprising the three centre-right political parties of National, ACT, and NZ First, has produced policies around education, sports, and free speech, which show promise of rolling back an ideology which should never have got as far as it has.

National’s education policy below states that it will “Refocus the curriculum on academic achievement and not ideology, including the removal and replacement of the gender, sexuality, and relationship-based guidelines”.

Not all sex education for students is bad, of course, and there are some very good guidelines which should remain in the Relationships and Sexuality Education guidelines. However, when students from a young age can get told that they can be born in the wrong body, and change their sex, that is just lying to them. There is other non-factual guidance around ‘gender’, which could be very misleading for impressionable young students.

Women’s sports is now no longer an open category for men who say they’re women. The new National-NZ First policy agreement below states “Ensure publicly funded sporting bodies support fair competition that is not compromised by rules relating to gender”. Most of our sporting bodies rely on some sort of government funding, so we look forward to men who say they’re women competing in the men’s category where they belong. Hopefully, Sports New Zealand have now got the message that people do not like men competing in women’s sports, no matter how they identify, which, back in April 2023 Sports NZ was resolutely ignoring.

 Free speech gets a nudge in the right direction, too, with the statement above which says “Protect freedom of speech by ruling out the introduction of hate speech legislation and stop Law Commission’s work on hate speech legislation”.

And again from the National-ACT education policy agreement below – “Amend the education and Training Act 2020 such that tertiary education providers receiving taxpayer funding must commit to a free speech policy”.

Personally, I have no doubt that the sports policy would not have been made without NZ First being a coalition partner, as keeping men out of women’s sports was one of their pre-election promises in writing, as below. We didn’t get a policy agreement by the coalition to keep men out of our bathrooms and changing rooms, as also promised by NZ First, but seeing as National Party leader, and now Prime Minister, Chris Luxon, famously thought it was a huge joke that it was even a concern, perhaps no surprises there. However, it’s not over yet.

For ACT, free speech has always been one of their core policies, and National started showing disquietude about several aspects of our education system a while ago.

A lot of groups and individuals (comprised largely of women, but not entirely), have put in blood, sweat, and tears over the years leading to these policies being made official by the new government. There are some people and groups who especially come to mind, but I’m aware that much has also been done behind the scenes. There’s still more to do, but it’s great to see that the first cracks in the wall of gender ideology have been made. It was a good day in New Zealand yesterday, Friday 24th November 😊

Election 2023: National, ACT and NZ First's Coalition agreement | Newshub


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