New Zealand’s Ministry of Transport urges its staff to go vegan (no, not really).

 First published 26 Sept 2023

No, New Zealand’s Ministry of Transport has not really urged its staff to go vegan. Thought I’d better get that out of the way first, before any serious combustions occurred.

However, NZ’s Ministry of Transport felt no compunction, apparently, at urging its staff to buy into gender ideology. In fact, although I have no receipts for it at the moment, I’d put money on it that the MoT paid the neo-rainbow organisation InsideOUT to come and tell the MoT staff to stop believing everything they know about the sex binary, and to now believe that men are women if they say they are. And this from a public service where hard facts and data are vital to its operation. Jaysus – I hope they don’t start expecting us to believe that a country backroad is a main highway if it starts identifying as that.

I’m a vegan myself (long since ex-communicated from vegan groups), so I’ve taken the liberty of choosing that as an example of the ludicrous idea of a Public Service workplace not only interfering with its staff’s personal beliefs, but paying taxpayer money to an outside organisation to come and tell what them what they now need to believe. Supposedly, these people at the top in the MoT are intelligent, yet they’ve allowed themselves to be sold a bill of goods for a crock of shite.

Oh, and just as a fyi, InsideOUT not only in all likelihood charge government organisations for the privilege of coming into their workplace and trying to brainwash the staff with dubious information, they also get government funding (and donations) to do that¹.

Without further ado, though, here’s Emma’s story –

The day InsideOUT came to the Ministry of Transport

¹ A few articles below about the funding and donations InsideOUT receives, after just a cursory search

Govt delivers more wellbeing support to Rainbow young people |

h2023026885_response_redacted.pdf (

InsideOUT Annual Report 2021-2022 - InsideOUT |


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