A bookshop dumps a cookbook sold as a fundraiser to feed people, because the book’s author isn’t woke.

One of the best things to come out of cyclone-ravaged Hawkes Bay in the last year is Jane Morgan’s newly released cookbook titled ‘ The Dinner Club’ , which is being sold as a fundraiser to feed people. It’s selling like hotcakes online, but the only local bookshop which stocked it sent Jane a request to collect the remaining books from them asap, because Jane doesn’t believe men can be women. They also concluded, from trawling through Jane’s social media, that she was “anti-Māori”, which, in an extremely ironic way, is as funny as feck, seeing as Jane’s mother is Māori. However, a Māori simply being honest about Māori crime stats is not excused from being “anti- Māori”, it would seem. Work that one out, if you can. The dumping of Jane’s book from the bookshop, Wardini Books , is said to have been instigated by a complaint from a known troublemaker, who is also named in several Netsafe complaints. The bookshop owners, apparently being woke up the wazoo, immediately reacted aga...