How much 'queering' of society is being funded by the New Zealand taxpayer?

 This week, we were treated to another doozy of an article from New Zealand writer and journo Yvonne van Dongen. Following up from her exposé about the racketeering of neo-rainbow lobby groups, Yvonne does a bit of look into the sorts of neo-rainbow events New Zealand taxpayers are funding. It has quite the look of ‘queering’ society about it.

The word ‘queer’ is a bit like the word ‘gender’ now, in the way it has morphed and evolved and means different things to different people. In broad terms, though, the Q (Queer) in the acronym LGBTQIA+ is anyone who lives and breathes gender-identity ideology, and eschews being a normie – i.e. normal – whatever that means in their view. It’s not common to identify as just ‘queer’ and nothing else; it’s usually accompanied by at least one other descriptor in the vast gender-identity lexicon, often more. The ‘queer community’ is amorphous and indefinable, but has gender-identity ideology beating at its heart. It seems to have a great appeal for the confused, vulnerable, and messed-up. And to those who dish out taxpayers’ money.

Consider Auckland Pride, which Yvonne tells us is a registered charity partly funded by the Auckland City Council, who arranged a panel discussion event at Pioneer Women’s Memorial Hall about “the recent rise of anti-LGBTQIA+ campaigns taking place in the global west”. I doubt if there was any introspection about how they may be contributing to any perceived negativity themselves, as evidenced by this completely unselfconscious display of vulgarity and attempted intimidation towards Simon Anderson (he who took the footage of the trans’ activists violence at Albert Park on 25 March 2023), and his fellow videographer, who were filming outside the venue - Troons Say the Loveliest Things ( - around the 7min mark is when it gets truly ‘lovely’.

Yvonne goes on to tell us that the giant Drag Queen, Trinity Ice, who was amongst the forefront of trans activists mobbing Kellie-Jay Keen and other women at the Let Women Speak rally on 25 March 2023, hosts drag queen bingo at a library. Here he is front and centre in his blue and pink garb shortly before the barriers were tossed aside, and the rotunda where Kellie-Jay and other women stood was stormed.

5 minutes prior to breaching the barrier the Rainbow community work themselves into a lather. ( - video from Simon Anderson.

Continue reading Yvonne’s excellent article below, and ask yourself how much doubt is there that New Zealand’s society is being ‘queered’ at the taxpayer’s expense.

              So Proud | The Platform

Upcoming Events ( - the Graham Linehan event hosted by the Free Speech Union NZ, as mentioned in Yvonne’s article.

Yvonne van Dongen on Pride Events and the Big Gay Out | The Platform - Yvonne has a brief interview with Sean Plunket on The Platform about her article, where she begins by apologising for having a cold and sounding like a combo of taking cross-sex hormones and smoking :-)


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