‘Young New Zealander of the Year’ award has gone to the man who helped stoke up violence against women.
A man who helped to stoke up violence against women at the Let Women Speak rally in Albert Park, Auckland, on March 25, has just received an award.
Many of us have now seen the videos of the violence against the women who attended that rally. One of the main instigators of this violence, Shaneel Lal, has just received the ‘Young New Zealander of the Year’ award, whose main sponsor is Kiwibank.
All week prior to the Let Women Speak rally, the mainstream media, politicians, and activists stoked up aggression against Kellie-Jay Keen and the Let Women Speak rally. The lies and distortions by these people about Kellie-Jay Keen - and by extension those of us who are also opposed to gender ideology - were beyond anything rational, reasonable, professional or dignified. There was no observable attempt to investigate the slurs and allegations against Kellie-Jay Keen, before publicly parroting them. Nor was much attempt made to talk in a non-hostile way to her, or those of us who have the same concerns as her. It’s like there has been a mass swallowing of the same ideological pill, which shuts down all decent dialogue from the ‘true believers’, and a broad and deep perspective of gender ideology.
One of the few exceptions to this is Rachel Smalley from TodayFM radio, who briefly interviewed one of the rally organisers, Di Landy from Mana Wāhine Kōrero, prior to the rally. TodayFM closed down shortly afterwards, so the interview between Rachel and Di, and the good articles Rachel wrote pointing out the genuine concerns which women have with gender ideology (which earned her some unpopularity) are no longer available from TodayFM’s website. However, another recording of that rare non-hostile interview can be heard here.
Right on cue, violence against the women attending the Let Women Speak rally erupted soon after Kellie-Jay Keen arrived at it. Trans activists were frenzied with pent-up and stoked-up hatred for the women (and men, but not so much, of course) attending. Kellie-Jay Keen had to be removed from the event due to fears for her life, and other women were assaulted and terrorised. It was horrific, and the small handful of police there did nothing to quell or control it. That’s another story, but a first-hand account of their inaction, and the results of it, can be heard here on The Platform NZ, which has also been staunch in its’ support of women on this matter.
Amongst all the chaos and thuggery, and basking in it, was well-known activist, Shaneel Lal, with a megaphone, egging the trans activists on and clearly jubilant at what was happening. Prior to this, Lal claimed that the upcoming rally was making him fear for his safety for the first time. Video footage, however, on his own Twitter account shows him revelling in the shitshow going down at the rally, and gloating that the ‘counter-protesters’ – i.e. trans activists – have taken over the band rotunda from where the women were going to speak.
And judges saw fit to make this man the Young New Zealander of the Year. Hatred and stoking up violence towards women certainly don’t appear to be a drawback for getting this award.
Confusingly, the award is described as going to a trans person for the first time. Lal is a biological male, and doesn’t seem to have claimed a trans identity before the night he received the award. Or, maybe he did at one stage in the past? Who would know. Perhaps being so gender fluid helps organisations to fill their diversity quota.
It seems that being an arsehole is still no barrier to getting a prestigious award, but being a woman who doesn’t want men in her or her daughters’ spaces gets your life put in danger. Good to know that the world hasn’t tilted on its’ axis too much.
Trans activist Shaneel Lal wins Kiwibank 'Young New Zealander of the Year' - Daily Telegraph NZ
NZ protests against Posie Parker were a ‘litmus test’ to see where many newspapers lean - YouTube
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