The upcoming 'UNSILENCED' summit in Wellington NZ, and the city councillor who tried to silence it.

 If you live in New Zealand, do get along to Wellington this Saturday 18th May, if you can, for an event called UNSILENCED.

If you live in Iceland, you may just make it if you jump on an aeroplane now 😊

UNSILENCED is being brought to us by a newly-formed group in NZ called ‘Inflection Point’ (X: @InflectPointNZ). An inflection point is when something changes suddenly, or in an important way. The feeling in the air is that an inflection point has been reached around gender ideology, with the increasing chokehold it enjoyed over the last 10 - 15 years on society, business, and government starting to be loosened. The Cass Review is seen as being significant in this inflection point, but make no mistake, there has been much hard and arduous work around the globe done by many to reach it. There are also those who’ve lost more to the merciless edicts of gender ideology along the way than we’ll ever know.

The group Inflection Point decided the time was right to have a summit in NZ, and break the silence around gender ideology. Of course, they’re not really pioneers in aiming for this, we – mostly women, but some men, too – have been talking, writing, protesting, rallying, meeting with MPs and councillors, arranging events, making videos, getting cancelled, getting vilified, and losing friends long before Inflection Point came along. However, with the time being ripe for it, they have seized the moment and pulled together the biggest ‘terf’ event yet, and by a stroke of luck scored a fancy-pants venue in central Wellington called Tākina.

An impressive lineup of speakers are on the UNSILENCED agenda, some controversial in more than a few people’s opinion. I don’t care - I’ll still be there. If there’s one thing that being in this fight against gender ideology has taught me, is that I don’t always get to choose who my fellow travellers might be. I might not like them all, I might not agree with everything they say and do, and I might not sit down over a bevvie and a laugh with them, but who am I to say whether or not they can be on the same path as me?

If you’re wondering if there’s been any pushback against this event, then wonder no longer – yes, there has been. A certain young Wellington City Councillor, by the name of Nīkau Wi Neera, got wind of it, and took to Reddit to rark up consternation amongst a group which take very little to rark up –

But then, seemingly, the Reddit moderators deleted his post. I’m not familiar with Reddit, but I was of the impression that trans activists got a free pass with whatever they wanted to say, and it was only terfs who got shut down. Maybe the inflection point has been felt there, too.

Some mainstream media journos got onto the scandal of ‘terfs’ getting together to – gasp - talk, and no doubt salivating at being able to dust off the “anti-trans” trope and put it to work again.¹ Wellington’s Mayor, Tory Whanau, said “blah, blah, blah …. trans and queer community ….. blah, blah, blah ….rainbow whānau(family) ……blah, blah, blah ….. in this city, discrimination will never be tolerated” – well, apart from the sort of discrimination she’s fine with, that is. Notably, some of that ‘rainbow whānau’ will be both attending and speaking at the UNSILENCED summit.

Lawyers pricked up their ears when talk of trying to cancel the venue booking was mooted amongst the forever-offended. The Free Speech Union NZ told all the hopeful and potential cancellers to stop being silly buggers and have a chat about it first - and don’t even think about imposing an impossible $10,000.00 security deposit due to the likely presence of rowdy protestors, who, as predicted, are answering the call put out by Mr Wi Neera. Eventually, sense was seen, and it was agreed that the event, with (non-DEI?) police in attendance, would go ahead as booked.

At the moment, there are still a handful of tickets left at $20ea, and they can be bought from Inflection Point’s website. No decision about livestreaming the event, or it being available to view afterwards has been made yet, so keep an eye on their website and/or X account (@InflectPointNZ) for updates about that.

If you want to hear one of the UNSILENCED summit organisers, Reece Williams, talk to Sean Plunket on The Platform, before young Mr Wi Neera got into a flap about it, you can listen here - Reece Williams Talks Conference on Gender Ideology | The Platform

The fight against gender ideology is a long way from over, and we’ll see those in all walks of life who have been advocates for it digging in hard, but even so, there’s no denying that we have indeed arrived at an inflection point, like it or not.


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