The Auckland Women’s Centre NZ knows how to beat the patriarchy – shame it’s completely bonkers.

If women don’t include men who say they’re women in our sports and spaces, we’re bowing down to the patriarchy – apparently. At least, that’s what Maia Hall tells us, the “ she/they queer, non-binary feminist ” Women’s Services Coordinator at the Auckland Women’s Centre. However, if we do let men who say they’re women into our sports and spaces, then she reckons we can take the wind out of the sails of the patriarchy. It’s been a while since I’ve read anything so blatantly cuckoo in the mainstream media. I don’t know whether it’s entertaining, or just mad, but either way, brace yourself, get a stiff drink, or take a deep breath before reading. Better still, do all three. Why women need to stand up for trans rights | The Post (I’ve also copied the text in full at the bottom). Maia Hall states her opinion with all the ardent conviction of the committed tinfoil hat wearer. She’s not the only one, though, who believes the messages from outer space that all things ‘trans’ and ‘non-...