New Zealand's first summit of UNSILENCED gender critical speakers now on video.

 Gender critical speakers from all walks of life were UNSILENCED in New Zealand on May 18 this year. After years of being silenced and vilified by city councils, councillors, our public service and politicians; blocked from room hire; deplatformed from speaking events; and resolutely refused a voice by mainstream media, a gathering took place called ‘UNSILENCED’.

A new group, Inflection Point, got a variety of speakers together, who were able to speak freely and publicly at last about concerns in their specific fields relating to the enforcement of gender ideology on us.

The UNSILENCED event wasn't without controversy, of course. It attracted intense criticism and hostility from people, including petty acts of sabotage from the event centre itself, all whose source of information about the event appeared to be purely from fetid gossip. Situation normal. But in the end, the unsilencing of us was unstoppable.

A recording of the event has now been made available, and is in the link at the bottom. The speakers are presented in individual clips, and in the order of last to first, here are their topics with the accompanying description –

Bonus Speaker: Posie Parker - Posie Parker, aka Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, gave an address to our UNSILENCED event in which she spoke of the need to unite all of us against Gender Ideology - the Gay community and Christians, those with other philosophical differences, put that all aside. Do not to allow those from either side to persuade that we should not unite.

Part 12: Thank you from Inflection Point - Inflection Point wishes to thank all the people who helped make this event possible. Together we can make the positive changes that New Zealand needs. The best is yet to come.

Part 11: Mel Jeffries - Mel Jefferies who has detransitioned flew in from Victoria, Australia, to bravely tell her story of what this dangerous ideology has done to her. Mel is determined that her struggles and her suffering are not in vain and is asking Politicians on both sides of the Tasman to stop this madness that is sold as “kindness, inclusive and diverse”. A powerful testimony with several surprising moments, Tu Tangata perform a Haka for our guest. Strength to you Mel from New Zealand.

Part 10: Di Landy from Mana Wāhine Kōrero - Di Landy from Mana Wāhine Kōrero challenges academics and the progressives for using Māori culture to insulate their ideology, including the making up of Māori words and revision of history. Di points to the fact that academics have no proof of any existence of Transgenderism in early Māori culture, and maintains that forcing Māori language on people is wrong, especially when it is neo-Māori. Superb oratory and a presentation with insight, heart and humour.

Part 9: Jan Rivers - Jan Rivers is a policy analyst, spending over 20 years in the Public service. A proud Lesbian from the left Jan has been a Labour supporter for decades. She expertly eviscerates Labours involvement in entrenching Queer culture, and calls out a generation of doctors who have aided the Trans Agenda who “should not be let off the hook”. Jan eloquently exposes the lack of any academic rigour in the rainbow and health organisations in relation to Trans ideology, a movement that harms children, women, and gay people. Rivers generously spoke at UNSILENCED even though she lost longtime friends for speaking the truth at the event.

Part 8: NZFirst MP Tanya Unkovich - Tanya Unkovich, the only Member of Parliament to attend UNSILENCED out of all who were invited, which was all of them, has introduced a private member’s bill called the Fair Access to Bathrooms Bill. NZFirst has a coalition agreement with National: “The removal and replacement” of RSE in schools. NZFirst is the only party that has addressed the majority of Kiwis’ concerns about the Trans Agenda. Tanya candidly talks about her own battle with body dysmorphia and an eating condition.

Part 7: Rachel Stewart - Award Winning Journalist, Rachel Sewart, tells of how the Trans Activists targeted her after writing an article warning of the dangers of the Trans agenda. The fall out resulted in Stewart being cancelled, her job became untenable, and the Police removed her Guns after a pile-on mischaracterised a tweet. A proud Terf and Lesbian who is happy to stand on stage with Christians, Rachel tells her of her shocking treatment with irreverence and humour.

Part 6: Brian Tamaki - Brian Tamaki leads Destiny Church. Never one to shy away from controversy, Brian equates Gender Ideology with Goliath. Tamaki then explains his Action Plan to force the government to stop Gender Ideology.

Part 5: Jennifer Bilek (pre-recorded) - American Investigative journalist Jennifer Bilek has investigated Transgenderism from the point of view of what is driving it. Big money, big pharma, and sectors grooming new life-long clients, Transgenderism is now worth more money than the Military Industrial Complex explains Bilek. Follow the money.

Part 4: Ro Edge - Ro Edge heads up Save Women’s Sports Australasia. She has actively sought the preservation of Women’s sports, and fights against males unfairly competing against biological females. Ro explains the hypocrisy, absurdity, and danger in allowing this to persist.
Also here, Inflection Point NZ pays tribute to Judith, who was assaulted at Albert Park by a Trans Activist while attending a Posie Parker event.

Part 3: Bob Mc Coskrie - Bob McCoskrie shows how long Gender Ideology has been entrenched in NZ, and how his organisation, Family First, has been polling on this issue for over 8 years. The results should un-nerve politicians. The NZ public has increasingly rejected this dangerous ideology, the question is why are the politicians not listening?

Part 2: Katherine Chua - Katherine Chua from Auckland, a mother of 5 describes her battle with her children’s school to inform other parents of Gender Ideology being forced onto children. The school threatened her with legal action unless she ceased. Katherine has continued to stand up for children in the face of adversity. A wonderful mum, a wonderful New Zealander, and co-founder of Let Kids be Kids.

Part 1: Mia Hughes (preceded by introductions and National Anthem) – Katherine Chua puts questions to Mia Hughes, the investigative Journalist who uncovered the WPATH leaked files, who speaks live to the conference about the travesty of faux science and ‘social justice’ medicine. With a special message to NZ Politicians: Stop the medicalisation of Children and remove PATHA the NZ version of WPATH, a body of unqualified activists who self-identify as specialists. Preceded by introductions and National Anthem.


Inflection Point’s UNSILENCED summit of gender critical speakers in New Zealand.


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