
Showing posts from September, 2024

Shhhh .... there's a health provider in New Zealand who still knows about "mums" and "breastfeeding".

 Satire: In an undisclosed location in New Zealand, there is a health provider who still uses the words “mum” and ‘breastfeeding”. This is in direct contravention to the Woke Stasi’s newspeak words of ‘birthing people’ and chestfeeding’. It’s imperative that the location of this health provider remains secret from the authorities. The Woke Stasi within the NZ Midwifery Council, Ministry of Health, Health NZ, and all trans/queer lobby groups may not be at all impressed. They want humans to become sexless on paper, so nothing stands in the way of those who desire to adopt an opposite sex identity to that which they were born getting documented as such. Using women’s language for women is anarchy. What will be next? Using the words ‘woman’ and ‘female’ in the same sentence? Only the ‘far right’ do that - i.e. ordinary people - whom the Woke Stasi consider dangerous, and, with burning-red eyes, obsessively hunt. If found, desistance is demanded. Health providers who use anarchistic lan...

Why is the video of Mana Wāhine Kōrero’s oral submission against the Midwifery Council’s revised Scope of Practice being withheld from public viewing?

  In an extraordinary move, the NZ Parliament Petitions Committee has decided to withhold the videoed oral submission made against the Midwifery Council’s revised Scope of Practice by Māori women’s group Mana Wāhine Kōrero (Sovereign Women Speak) from public viewing. The Petitions Committee , who “ oversees and coordinates the petitions process, and considers petitions and any related matters ”, has advised of this decision without explanation. Conversely, they have made the videoed oral submissions by the Midwifery Council and midwife Deb Hayes, who was the initiator of the petition against Midwifery Council’s revised Scope of Practice, available for public viewing. The Committee invited Deb and two groups - Mana Wāhine Kōrero and the Midwifery Council - to make oral submissions to them about the petition, which had collected almost 7,500 signatures. That’s a lot of signatures for a Parliamentary petition in New Zealand. However, many more people than those who signed it agr...

The 'linguistic abomination' of the NZ Midwifery Council's revised Scope of Practice.

 If you’ve been like me, and knew there was something ‘off’ about woke-speak which goes even deeper than the fact it’s confusing, misleading, and creates a cover for duplicitous behaviour, Sarah Henderson will spell it out for you in this chat we have in the YouTube video below. It’s a long-ish chat, because Sarah’s got a mountain of knowledge about language and linguistics from both a passionate interest, and at least a decade of studying these. It’s quite mind-blowing, if you haven’t really been aware before of just how sinister it’s possible for woke-speak to be. Central to this chat, is the New Zealand Midwifery Council’s revised Scope of Practice, which Sarah and I don’t think it’s too much of a stretch to apply the description ‘ a linguistic abomination’  to. Amongst several issues with it, the Midwifery Council decided it was also a good idea to remove the words ‘mother’ and ‘baby’ from their Scope of Practice. Strangely, the Midwifery Council got some pushback ab...

What is a ‘terf’? Where did that word come from, and is it a good word or a bad word?

 After publishing my previous blog titled 'No wonder they don't want terfs to gather ', I got an email asking what a terf was. I was happy to explain, of course. Then I thought perhaps I could expand on that explanation here a little for others, who are possibly also a bit mystified about the word ‘terf’. I have no doubt that least some of what I write will be considered debatable, but here I go, anyway. Technically, ‘terf’ is an acronym for the term T rans E xclusionary R adical F eminist. Transactivists and their devotees use it as a slur against (mainly) women who don’t believe men can become women. Women who don’t believe men can become women have flipped the finger at transactivists, and owned it. Or, should I say, re-owned it. As far as I can ascertain, the term ‘Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminist’ arose in the 1970’s as a fairly neutral descriptor in feminist philosophy/theory for those women who didn’t believe that men who say they’re women are actually women. In ...

No wonder they don’t want terfs to gather.

 I had the pleasure of hosting four women for a chat on my YouTube channel. And what women they are! The combined knowledge and wisdom between them is dangerous - dangerous to the popular and much-parroted narrative of transactivists, that is. No wonder they don’t want terfs to gather. The subjects for the chat were Suffrage Day in NZ, the Midwifery Council’s revised Scope of Practice, and Surrogacy in NZ . The women are: Jill Ovens – national secretary and co-leader of the NZ Women’s Rights Party , and recently retired after a 36-year involvement in the union movement, which included a leading position in the midwives’ union. Di Landy – co-founder of Mana Wāhine Kōrero (Sovereign Women Speak), and outspoken activist against gender ideology, especially that which erodes Māori culture. Deb Hayes – midwife and initiator of the petition against the NZ Midwifery Council’s revised Scope of Practice, where they omitted the words ‘mother’ and ‘baby’. Robin Jones – retired midwife, ex...

"They have a point", says NZ's Sports Minister of the 59 former elite and Olympian athletes who signed an open letter to the government.

 It’s getting harder for trans/queer lobby groups, and their dedicated devotees, to get away with spinning the misinformation about sports they’ve been spinning for years. Transactivists have long claimed that men who say they’re women, and reduce their testosterone levels, have no physical advantage over women. This is rubbish, and more and more sportspeople are willing to say so. Amongst those here in New Zealand are some big-name former elite and Olympian athletes. Recently, 59 of them signed an open letter to the New Zealand government asking them to protect female sports. The letter was organised by Save Women’s Sports Australasia (Australasia = Australia and New Zealand) and delivered to the NZ Sport and Recreation Minister, Chris Bishop on 11 th September. Subsequent reports have cited Mr Bishop as acknowledging that Save Women’s Sports Australasia and the open letter signatories have a point, in that Sports NZ’s current guidelines don’t have anything about fairness in ...

In a move seldom now seen, Stuff NZ produces TWO balanced articles - and reports on a rogue in Otago.

 In a move that may tilt the world on its axis, one of New Zealand’s mainstream media outlets, Stuff , has published the second of two not-too-badly balanced articles on matters around trans/gender ideology. To my knowledge, Stuff and the word ‘balanced’ have not been said in the same sentence before when reporting on these matters. The first surprise was a report on the court case of the man in a pink dress who doused Kellie-Jay Keen with tomato juice at the Let Women Speak rally in Auckland in March 2023. Unlike the NZ Herald’s piece , the Stuff reporter managed a whole piece without referring to Kellie-Jay, or any rally attendees, as ‘anti-trans’. In the event this isn’t just a momentary straying from their usual parameters, then perhaps Stuff have finally read the room. Should we be so optimistic as to think they have finally realised that whining on about ‘anti-trans’ is really naff now, and have stolen a march from the NZ Herald on this? Considering the general demographic o...

The man in a pink dress, who 'tomato-juiced' Kellie-Jay Keen in New Zealand in 2023, gets convicted and discharged.

 Pink dress or not, disguised as a ‘Karen’ or not, Eliana Golberstein aka Eli Rubashkyn is male.  In March 2023, he attended the Let Women Speak rally in Albert Park, Auckland, which Kellie-Jay Keen was fronting in a flying visit to New Zealand during her nearby Australian tour. Prior to her arrival at Albert Park, Eli deceived his way onto the historic band rotunda, from where Kellie-Jay and the women rally-attendees were going to speak. When she got there, he doused her (and another woman) with tomato juice, whereupon he was removed by Kellie-Jay’s security team. After that, as we know, all hell broke loose . The transactivists protesting the rally went feral, and Kellie-Jay barely made it out with her life. Eli was born with intersex and rare androgen insensitivity conditions, and has had medical interventions to induce a more female-looking appearance. There’s no doubt these conditions he was born with caused him to have a rough life in his home country of Colombia, ...