New Zealand’s Chief Science Advisor, who once stated that “sex isn’t binary”, is coming to the end of her three-year term.

Luckily, New Zealand’s new coalition government won’t be re-appointing the present Chief Science Advisor, Juliet Gerrard, who believes that sex isn’t binary, for another three years in the role, as she won’t be seeking another term. Unfortunately, though, it's likely she'll stay in the science field. There’s no replacement for her announced as of yet, but with ex-Human Rights Commissioner, Paul Hunt, not re-appointed for another five-year term , there’s a faint glimmer of hope that gender-identity ideologists may not be as popular a choice for high-level Public Service roles as they were under the previous two governments. Professor Dame Juliet Gerrard FRSNZ , who is currently in the role of Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor, has held the position since 2018. The role has a three-year term attached to it, which has been renewed once for Ms Gerrard, and runs until 30 th June this year. The central focus of the Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor is “ adv...